#tech giants

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New York Post
2 days ago
NYC politics

Hochul's entirely right: Keep smartphones out of schools

Smartphones in school are harmful to children's development. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
3 days ago
Artificial intelligence

The art world's AI dilemma: how can artists and museums thrive when big tech controls the monetising of artificial intelligence

The AI challenge to artists and art institutions is growing clearer as tech giants dominate the industry and closed AI models outperform open-source ones. [ more ]
4 days ago
Mental health

Tax online giants to help kids' mental health, say Lib Dems

Liberal Democrats propose increasing taxes on tech giants like Amazon and Google to fund mental health professionals in state schools. [ more ]
4 days ago
Artificial intelligence

Generative AI is in the crosshairs at Meta and Alphabet annual meetings as shareholders vote for detailed reports

Generative AI scrutiny by shareholders at tech giants due to misinformation concerns. [ more ]
4 days ago
Tech industry

What to Know About the Open Versus Closed Software Debate

Debate on open source vs. closed models in software development continues as tech giants differ in AI strategies. [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

Mobile App Competition Bill Fast-Tracked Through U.K. Parliament

The UK Parliament passed the Digital Markets, Competition, and Consumers Bill to regulate tech giants like Apple and Google, preventing abuse of power and enhancing competition. [ more ]
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